I know, it stinks.

I have a new rockin’ blog banner.  No – not this one.  One that was created for me by a super-talented chick.  But, I could NOT figure out the sizing so that it  would fit on my blog correctly.  So as punishment, I have to look at this one for a little while. 


I wish I knew computers better.

Then again, I also wish I would wake up one morning and know how to speak Spanish and Creole.  That would be awesome.

Anyway… soon I shall have a super-cool banner.

And I need to stop using the word ‘super’ in front of every other word I use.  It’s getting on my nerves.  Seriously.  Although, when you see this banner, you’re going to say, “Wow Jen, that *is* super-cool!”  Then maybe if YOU start saying ‘super’ all the time, I won’t feel like such a dork.

Tomorrow is kickboxing and yoga again.  Crap – that reminds me – I need to put my clothes in the dryer.  Shoot.

Oh – the classes tomorrow?  Yeah, Thiago says that we’re having them ‘outside.’  We’re not sure what ‘outside’ he’s talking about.  Is it ‘outside’ in the aquatic area of the Y?  Or is it ‘outside’ in the field next to the Y… which, by the way, is near the parking lot where ALL THE EMPLOYEES who work at the hotel PARK THEIR CARS.  Yeah, that’ll be just great.  Super-effing-great.

Shoot.  I did it again.

Laundry, dammit.  Don’t forget.

About jensmack

Non-Profit HR Director, Scrapbooker, Reader, TV Lover, and Crafter. Also, Neurotic, Sarcastic, Anxiety-filled Mom of Three.
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5 Responses to I know, it stinks.

  1. mIcHeLlE-o says:

    LMAO, you are way too funny girl. I like the word super, it’s positive!! Regarding the “outside” work-out. Well, can you give me directions to this place so that I can sit outside in the parking lot. Sounds fun to me!!

  2. Bob says:

    Super describes your enthusiasm for everything that is life, as in you are a super friend.

  3. Kimberly says:

    Dude…you are a SUPER scrapper. Congrats on getting to Rd 3.5.

  4. Booty says:

    I miss the palm frond banner. Seriously. It was super.

  5. Marti says:

    WHAT!? You changed the super banner that I created? hmph. Some super friend YOU turned out to be. Can’t wait to see the super new one. It BETTER be good.

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